PhD Students
Biofuel powered glucose detection in bodily fluids with an n-type conjugated polymer
D. Ohayon, G. Nikiforidis, A. Savva, A. Guigni, S. Wustoni, T. Palanisamy, X. Chen, IP. Maria, E. Di Fabrizio, PMFJ. Costa, I. McCulloch, S. Inal
Nature Materials, 19, pages456–463, (2020)
P. Schmode, A. Savva, R. Khal, D. Ohayon, F. Meichsner, O. Dolynchuk, T. Thurn-Albrecht, S. Inal, M. Thelakkat
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 11, 13029-13039, (2020)
High-Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors Based on Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Copolymers
P. Schmode, D. Ohayon, PM. Reichstein, A. Savva, S. Inal, M. Thelakkat
Chemistry of Materials, 31, 14, 5286-5295, (2019)
Solvent Engineering for High‐Performance n‐Type Organic Electrochemical Transistors
A. Savva, D. Ohayon, J. Surgailis, AF. Paterson, TC. Hidalgo, X. Chen, IP. Maria, BD. Paulsen, A. Petty II, J. Rivany, I. McCulloch, S. Inal
Advanced Electronic Materials, 5, 1900249, (2019)
Membrane‐Free Detection of Metal Cations with an Organic Electrochemical Transistor
S. Wustoni, C. Combe, D. Ohayon, M. Hassan Akhtar, I. McCulloch, S. Inal
Advanced Functional Materials, 29, 1904403, (2019)
The Influence of Water on the Performance of Organic Electrochemical Transistors
A. Savva, C. Cendra, A. Giugni, B. Torre, J. Surgailis, D. Ohayon, A. Giovannitti, I. McCulloch, E. Di Fabrizio, A. Salleo, J. Rivnay, S. Inal
Chemistry of Materials, Online, (2019)
W. Du, D. Ohayon, C. Combe, L. Mottier, IP. Maria, R.S Ashraf, H. Fiumelli, S. Inal, I. McCulloch
Chemistry of Materials, 30, 17, 6164-6172, (2018)
Direct metabolite detection with an n-type accumulation mode organic electrochemical transistor
AM. Pappa, D. Ohayon, A. Giovannitti, IP. Maria, A. Savva, I. Uguz, J. Rivnay, I. McCulloch, R.M Owens, S. Inal
Science Advances, 4, 6, eaat0911, (2018)
Laser patterning of self-assembled monolayers on PEDOT:PSS films for preferential cell adhesion
D. Ohayon, C. Pitsalidis, A.M. Pappa, A. Hama, Y. Zhang, L. Gallais, R.M. Owens
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 4, 16, 1700191, (2017)
Y. Ma, P. Vashishtha, K. Chen, E.L. Peach, D. Ohayon, J.M. Hodgkiss, J.E. Halpert
ChemSusChem, 10, 1–9, (2017)