Adel Hama

Research Group Staff


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Research Interests

Adel's current research interests is to develop new platform of MEA (multi-electrode array) and MOECTA (multi-organic electrochemical transistor array) using novel conjugated polymers for recording of biological signals. He aims to improve the interface between organic materials and living systems (neuronal cells, muscle cells and epithelial cells).

Selected Publications

  • Organic transistor platform with integrated microfluidics for in-line multi-parametric in vitro cell monitoring
    V.F. Curto, B. Marchiori, A. Hama, A-M. Pappa, M.P. Ferro, M. Braendlein, J. Rivnay, M. Fiocchi, G.G. Malliaras, M. Ramuz, R.M. Owens 
    Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 3, 17028, Nature Publishing Group, 2017

  • Conducting polymer scaffolds for hosting and monitoring 3D cell culture
    S. Inal, A. Hama, M.P. Ferro, C. Pitsalidis, J. Oziat, D. Iandolo, A-M. Pappa, M. Hadida, M. Huerta, D. Marchat 
    Advanced Biosystems, 1, 6, 1700052, Wiley Online Library, 2017

  • Autoclave sterilization of PEDOT: PSS electrophysiology devices 
    I. Uguz, M. Ganji, A. Hama, A. Tanaka, S. Inal, A. Youssef,R. M. Owens, P. Quilichini, A. Ghestem, C. Bernard 
    Advanced healthcare materials, 5, 24, 3094-3098, Wiley Online Library, 2016

  • Monitoring of cell layer coverage and differentiation with the organic electrochemical transistor 
    M. Ramuz, A. Hama, J. Rivnay, P. Leleux, R.M. Owens 
    Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3, 29, 5971-5977, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015

  • Combined optical and electronic sensing of epithelial cells using planar organic transistors 
    M. Ramuz, A.Hama, M. Huerta, J. Rivnay, P. Leleux, R. M. Owens 
    Advanced Materials, 26, 41, 7083-7090, Wiley Online Library, 2014


  • ​B.Sc., Life Technologies major in Biotechnology, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Sion, Switzerland, 2010 
  • B.Sc., Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries, Université Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France, 2007

Professional Profile

  • 2018-Present Research engineer/lab manager, Organic bioelectronics Lab (BIOEL), KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia 
  • 2012-2018 Research engineer & lab manager, Department of bioelectronics (BEL), ENSME, Gardanne, France 
  • 2011-2012 Laboratory technician, Department of bioelectronics (BEL), ENSME, Gardanne, France 
  • 2010 (8 months) Research engineer, Laboratory of integrated bioprocessing (LiB), Dublin, Ireland


  • ​2018 Individual Lab Safety Award, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

KAUST Affiliations

​Biological and Environmental 
Science & Engineering Division (BESE)

Research Interests Keywords

Cell biology 3D scaffold Cell patterning Bioelectronics Electrochemical transistors

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