Controlling epileptiform activity with organic electronic ion pumps

by A. Williamson, J. Rivnay, L. Kergoat, A. Jonsson, S. Inal, I. Uguz, M. Ferro, A. Ivanov, T.A. Sjöström, D.T. Simon, M. Berggren, G.G. Malliaras, C. Bernard
Year:2015 DOI: DOI: 10.1002/adma.201500482


​Controlling epileptiform activity with organic electronic ion pumps
A. Williamson, J. Rivnay, L. Kergoat, A. Jonsson, S. Inal, I. Uguz, M. Ferro, A. Ivanov, T.A. Sjöström, D.T. Simon, M. Berggren, G.G. Malliaras, C. Bernard
Advanced Materials 27 (20), 3097-3097, 3, 2015


Pub_CEA_2015_CoverIn treating epilepsy, the ideal solution is to act at a seizure's onset, but only in the affected regions of the brain. Here, an organic electronic ion pump is demonstrated, which directly delivers on-demand pure molecules to specific brain regions. State-of-the-art organic devices and classical pharmacology are combined to control pathological activity in vitro, and the results are verified with electrophysiological recordings.



Neuroengineering Organic bioelectronics Organic electronic ion pumps PEDOT:PSS

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